Is it possible to use ARSession to display both the front camera and the rear camera at the same time?

Is it possible to use ARSession to display both the front camera and the back camera at the same time?

I wanted to show the rear camera while tracking my face, but that seems difficult.

So I also looked into how to use AVCaptureSession and ARSession at the same time, but this also seemed difficult.

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 641153022
You can use world and face tracking at the same time, but you can only display one camera feed at a time.
Run a session with an ARWorldTrackingConfiguration and set userFaceTrackingEnabled to true to display the back camera feed and track your face at the same time.
Vice versa, you can run a session with an ARFaceTrackingConfiguration and set worldTrackingEnabled to true to display the front camera feed while simultaneously getting world tracking poses.
Accepted Answer
You can use world and face tracking at the same time, but you can only display one camera feed at a time.
Run a session with an ARWorldTrackingConfiguration and set userFaceTrackingEnabled to true to display the back camera feed and track your face at the same time.
Vice versa, you can run a session with an ARFaceTrackingConfiguration and set worldTrackingEnabled to true to display the front camera feed while simultaneously getting world tracking poses.
Is it possible to use ARSession to display both the front camera and the rear camera at the same time?