"MyApp hasn't added support for that with Siri" and unable to add capability

I added an intents extension target to my project. It is embedded.

1) My app asks (and has) permission to use Siri.

2) My application's info.plist specifies a Siri Usage description

3) My target's "Supported Intents" row within its info.plist contains INSendMessageIntent, the one I'm trying to use.

4) I had to add my intent Bundle Extension to my developer account as an identifier using its specific Bundle Id. On the website I was able to add "Siri" support for app and app extension target. I was able to add Siri Capability to my main project and entitlements file, but I had to manually able to add it to the entitlements file for my extension: Siri was NOT a Capability option under "Signing and Capabilities" for my Target Extension within my app.

5) I have been running my extension target with "Siri" but have also tried it with app itself.

Please help. Thank you.
You can follow these steps, worked for me:
Go to your app's main target -> Build Phases -> Embed App Extensions
make sure your extension target is added there, uncheck "Copy only when installing"..
"MyApp hasn't added support for that with Siri" and unable to add capability