silent push notifications on simulator

I'm working on an app that makes use of both regular (visible) push notifications and silent push notifications. Both types are working fine on a device, but only the regular type is working in the simulator. I'm sending the same test payloads to both the device and simulator.

To be more specific, I use this payload for a silent push notification:

Code Block
"aps": {
"content-available": 1
"Simulator Target Bundle": "com.mycompany.MyApp"

And I try to send this payload to the simulator with this command:
Code Block
xcrun simctl push booted com.mycompany.MyApp silent.apns

As far as I can see, the app in the simulator does not respond to this silent push notification, but the app on a device does when running both in the foreground and background.

Is this a known issue? If so, has anybody been able to get this to work? Or are silent push notifications just not supported on the simulator (yet)?

I believe this is a known issue - I have never expected silent push to work on the simulator.
I have the same problem.

Broken for me as well. How is this not a priority? Also, seems like more like a bug, not a deliberate lack of a feature?

XCode 14 advertises testing real push messages on a simulator. Please, make this actually the case, it's necessary.

silent push notifications on simulator