Status bar style not applied during launch on iPad - UIKit bug?

In the general settings for an Xcode project, you can set 'Status Bar Style' to Default, Dark Content, or Light Content. If I'm not mistaken, whatever you choose there should be applied during the launch screen. For example, if you select Light Content, the status bar should be light during the launch screen, irrespective of whether the system appearance is 'Light' or 'Dark'.

This seems to work correctly on iPhones, but on iPads, the selected status bar style doesn't seem to be applied during the launch screen (most of the time at least - occasionally it works correctly). For example, if the system appearance is 'Light' and you set the status bar style to Light Content, on iPads you'll get a dark status bar, contrary to the selection.

Testing on different iOS/iPadOS versions suggests this behavior is new as of 14.0 (on 13.5, the status bar style is applied correctly).

Is this a UIKit bug? Or does it sound like user error? Can anyone confirm or disconfirm this behavior?
I have the exactly same issue. The status bar style works fine on iPhones but on iPad 14 it gets a dark status bar even it's set to Light style. It doesn't have on iPad 13.
Status bar style not applied during launch on iPad - UIKit bug?