iOS 14 DNSServiceBrowse failed: NoAuth(-65555)

I am setting up a NSBrowser as follows:

Code Block swift
NWBrowser(for: .bonjour(type: bonjourType, domain: nil), using: parameters)

When running on iOS13, everything works great, but on iOS14, I keep getting:

nwbrowserfailondnserrorlocked [B3] DNSServiceBrowse failed: NoAuth(-65555)

Is there something that I need to specifically set for iOS14?

Kind Regards

To get it working I had to add

Code Block xml
  <string>Network usage is required for macOS/iOS communication</string>

Also worth to check if there isn't a typo/difference in service name between info.plist and your NWBrowser's type or NWListener.Service's name.

Thanks, saved me from a headache.

iOS 14 DNSServiceBrowse failed: NoAuth(-65555)