I create a record in CloudKit using the CloudKit Dashboard. The record also contains an attribute for a photo, which I upload before saving the record. The photo data is stored in an attribute of the type CKAsset. In the entity core data date model it is

I create a record in CloudKit using the CloudKit Dashboard. The record also contains an attribute for a photo, which I upload before saving the record. The photo data is stored in an attribute of the type CKAsset. In the entity core data date model it is represented as an attribute of type Data.
When I do a NSFetchRequest later on my local sqlLite DB which synchronises with CloudKit the attribute which is supposed to hold the binary data of the image is always nil. All the other attributes - which are just strings - are filled with valid data. When I change these attributes and do a NSFetchRequest again the changes are reflected in the fetch result.
I have no idea why the photo attribute is always nil and the other string attributes contain the current valid value.

Here is some sample code from the project.

This is the code which fetches it from the local sqlite DB which is backed by CloudKit and where the photo attribute is nil even it is provided in CloudKit:
Code Block
let bgContext = self.newBackgroundContext()
bgContext.perform {
do {
fetchRequest.propertiesToFetch = ["title", "categoryValue", "date", "photo", "amount"]
let results = try fetchRequest.execute() as! [ReceiptEntity]
for record in results {
let title = record.title
let photo = record.photo
if let photo_local = photo {
log.info("| Photo attribute is present!!")
} catch let error {
let result: Result<[ReceiptEntity], Error> = .failure(error)

This is the Entity definition, generated by Xcode:

Code Block

Code Block
extension ReceiptEntity {
@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<ReceiptEntity> {
return NSFetchRequest<ReceiptEntity>(entityName: "ReceiptEntity")
@NSManaged public var additionalInformation: String?
@NSManaged public var amount: Double
@NSManaged public var categoryValue: String?
@NSManaged public var currencyValue: String?
@NSManaged public var date: Date?
@NSManaged public var placeMark: String?
@NSManaged public var title: String?
@NSManaged public var photo: Data?

As already mentioned before: When I fetch a certain record from CloudKit directly using the following code - the photo attribute has a CKAsset instance and the photo is there:

Code Block
privateDB.fetch(withRecordID: configRecordId) { (record, error) -> Void in
let photo = record?.value(forKey: "CD_photo") as? CKAsset
let title = record?.value(forKey: "CD_title") as? String
if let url = photo?.fileURL {
log.info("| Asset URL: \(url)")

I create a record in CloudKit using the CloudKit Dashboard. The record also contains an attribute for a photo, which I upload before saving the record. The photo data is stored in an attribute of the type CKAsset. In the entity core data date model it is