When to call completion handler on VoIP call?


In the documentation for didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload
(https://developer.apple.com/documentation/pushkit/pkpushregistrydelegate/2875784-pushregistry?language=objc#parameters) it states that the completion handler shall be be called when the notification has been processed.

Is that when the VoIP call ends, which could be hours after the pus is received depending on how long the user keeps talking? Or after calling reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID?


As usual, Apple documentation is unclear about that. It should be called after you have called CallKit, it after reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID is done.

It is still not clear for me how much time we have to call that completion handler.

The version without completion handler must terminated within 30s (and this is again, not very well documented...)