Are your app's controls rendering wrong now?

I updated to iOS 14 and the latest Xcode over the last couple of days.

Now the app I'm writing suffers from UI-rendering defects. Most noticeably UIPickerViews look like text fields with the first character of text cut off.

I see this on two devices. Anybody else seeing this?
Not sure if I'm seeing the same issue as you, but there is an odd offset with the UIPickerView in iOS 14 that wasn't there with iOS 13...

Can't seem to post a screen shot or a link to the image I posted on twitter, but I'll try to describe it.

I've got 3 components (columns) in a single UIPickerView. and it looks like everything is aligned to the right of the picker, except that the center to center distance of the selected item for each component is different then the center to center distance of each of the unselected item columns. And they get further out of sync the closer you get to the left.

Same problem here.
Are your app's controls rendering wrong now?