HomeKit in Mac Catalyst as a bridge to macOS app

Hi All,

I have an established macOS app that I would really like to add HomeKit features to, but I have been prevented from doing so by the lack of a macOS HomeKit API.

However, now with the ability in Big Sur to create Mac Catalyst apps that can use HomeKit, my idea is to use this functionality to create a small Mac Catalyst app to serve as an intermediary between HomeKit and my macOS app.

Technically it would work, however it's unclear whether this would be against Apple's rules. Any Mac Catalyst app that uses HomeKit apparently needs to go through the Mac App store (please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can tell, it can't be Notarized and distributed directly to customers), hence it would need to comply with the App Store Review Guidelines. I can't see anything in the guidelines prohibiting this, so it would seem to be allowed, however before spending significant time on this project, I would like to find out for sure.

Any input would be much appreciated.

Many thanks!
As I would also like to port my iOS app to MacCatalyst, I'd also like to see a HomeKit Framework integration to MacCatalyst. Before (without HomeKit) the issues were simple UI things. And I've solved them. But now it's the missing HK support.

I promise, I'm going to do cool and useful stuff with it! :-)
Anticro - Apple have added HomeKit support for Catalyst in Big Sur. If you get the latest Xcode beta and Big Sur beta you can start using HomeKit in your Catalyst app :)

As per my original question though, what I'm concerned about is whether Apple will allow an app into the App Store that doesn't really have many features itself, but rather acts as a bridge between a macOS app and HomeKit. It seems like this should be allowed, but I haven't been able to determine this for sure.
While I am not sure whether Apple would or would not approve such an app in Mac App Store, I believe that Catalyst apps can be distributed just fine outside the App Store, just like any other Mac app. You'd probably want to still sign it with a developer certificate and go through the notarization process just to make it easier for users to install your app without going through a bunch of warnings.

To follow up on this, I now have an answer, which is that Apple did accept my app into the App Store.

ADHG - Yes, in general, Mac Catalyst apps can be distributed outside the App Store. However apparently this is not possible for apps that link against HomeKit. These have to go through the App Store.
HomeKit in Mac Catalyst as a bridge to macOS app