I'm trying to reset my collectionView's subviews frames and layoutAttributes whenever invalidating the layout for the bottom edge is necessary in layoutSubviews(). However every once in awhile (probably 1/200) I'm getting a crash with the error:
I'm trying to reset my collectionView's subviews frames and layoutAttributes whenever invalidating the layout for the bottom edge is necessary in layoutSubviews(). However every once in awhile (probably 1/200) I'm getting a crash with the error:
I'm guessing this has something to do with the plain UICollectionReusableView() I am returning in the dequeueSupplementaryView whenever there is no header needed for the section. I've been staring at this for 2 months now so I figured someone might have an idea here :/Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
the view returned from -collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath (UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader,<NSIndexPath: 0xe4630e2be7f8d8ab> {length = 2, path = 14 - 0}) was not retrieved by calling -dequeueReusableSupplementaryViewOfKind:withReuseIdentifier:forIndexPath: or is nil (<UICollectionReusableView: 0x15b946bc0; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x282f39820>>)
Code Block for (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attributes in attributesInBounds) { if (!CGRectIntersectsRect(attributes.frame, self.bounds)) { continue; } UICollectionReusableView *view = nil; switch (attributes.representedElementCategory) { case UICollectionElementCategoryCell: view = [self cellForItemAtIndexPath:attributes.indexPath]; break; case UICollectionElementCategorySupplementaryView: view = [self supplementaryViewForElementKind:attributes.representedElementKind atIndexPath:attributes.indexPath]; break; default: break; } [view setFrame:attributes.frame]; [view applyLayoutAttributes:attributes]; }