iOS 14 .hidden property no longer works!

I have a simple set of code that turns a UITextField visible or invisible based on a variable. It works perfectly fine on iOS 13, but on iOS 14, it no longer makes it visible or invisible. The line is below. This code has not changed for many years. This has to be a UIKit problem?

self.txtCount.hidden = true;

I've tested this on iOS 13.5 Simulator, works fine.
I've tested this on iOS 13.6 iPad Air 2, works fine.
I've tested this on iOS 12.4 Simulator, works fine.
I've tested this on iOS 14 Simulator, Does NOT work.
I've tested this on iOS 14.0.1 iPhone X, Does NOT work.

I even created a new application and only put a text field and a button. The button just sets some text and makes it visible or invisible. It does not work on iOS 14 but works fine on iOS 13

Can anyone else confirm this?
Answered by eGenesis2 in 638230022
It turns out this is not a .hidden problem but a background image problem. This has already been reported by many people in iOS 14. Background Images on the UITextField do not work. Thank you Apple for such a great update!
Accepted Answer
It turns out this is not a .hidden problem but a background image problem. This has already been reported by many people in iOS 14. Background Images on the UITextField do not work. Thank you Apple for such a great update!

Background Images on the UITextField do not work. Thank you Apple for such a great update!

How did you set textfield border-style ? It must be square.

This is not new to iOS 14 ! Thanks to Apple are thus not deserved… 🙂

Read here, dating 2017:


have you resolve this issue because i am also facing this issue in ios14 . if yes please reply and help me also because i am also suffer since two days

iOS 14 .hidden property no longer works!