HTTPCookieStorage sharedCookieStorage cookie deletion

I have a Siri Intent Extension and an iOS target that both have the code

Code Block
let cookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.sharedCookieStorage(forGroupContainerIdentifier: Constant.appGroupId)
os_log("🔵 createSession Cookie Count: %i", cookieStorage.cookies?.count ?? 0)
sessionConfiguration.httpCookieStorage = cookieStorage

The idea is that when I login with the app the authentication cookie is set and then Siri commands can make network calls.

When the user logs out of the app I call
Code Block
let cookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.sharedCookieStorage(forGroupContainerIdentifier: Constant.appGroupId)
cookieStorage.cookies?.forEach { cookieStorage.deleteCookie($0) }

After logging out the above os_log within the iOS app shows 0 cookies. If I bring up Siri and issue a command the extension still shows the authentication cookie. Why is the cookie still being seen within the extension?

Should deletions in the app reflect in the Siri intent extension?