My applications starts after I dropped it from memory

Hi, I developed navigation application and I found amazing thing on new IOS version. When I drops app from memory then after some time (looks like after location update) application is loading again automatically.
It is not convenient for me beсause my application is needed for some specific situation and my customers will not be happy for permanent loading of my application.
I didn't do anything special for this.
Before IOS 11 I didn't see such behavior.
What need to do for fix of this? I expect quite easy behavior. When customer stars my app then they have the service. Put app to background and back. But if they drop the app from memory then it should not start automatically.

Unfortunately there isn't a way to prevent this if you are using Significant Location Change, Region Monitoring, or Visit monitoring APIs. If the monitoring APIs are running at the time the app was terminated, they will cause the app to relaunch.

But do file a request for a way around this using so the CoreLocation team can gauge the interest in such a feature.

Perhaps if you were to give the users an easy way to stop the location updates (which is recommended anyways), they would use that method instead of force closing your app. And if they do so, and complain, then you can instruct them to use the in app method to stop the updates instead.
My applications starts after I dropped it from memory