iOS 14 - Encrypted Live HLS stream starts at the beginning instead of head

  • iOS/tvOS app that uses AVPlayer to play encrypted live HLS streams,

  • live HLS playlist has a buffer of ~2 hours in which we can seek.

Steps to reproduce:
  • use AVPlayer to start playback of a live hls playlist,

  • use AVContentKeySessionDelegate API to provide license to the player to decrypt the stream.

Expected results (how it works on iOS/tvOS 13):
  • playback starts from the “head” of the live playlist (near the end of seekableTimeRanges).

Actual results:
  • playback on iOS/tvOS 14 start at the beginning of available buffer (position == start of seekableTimeRanges),

  • this only happens for encrypted streams, for unencrypted ones, playback starts from the “head” of the live playlist.

This issue started in iOS 14 beta and still reproduces on the GM. Does anyone know if the new behaviour is expected? This can be "workarounded" by skipping to the end of seekableTimeRange but it works correctly on previous system versions so it looks like a regression.


If it worked in iOS 13 but doesn't work as you expect in iOS 14, then you should file a bug report using the feedback assistant.
I did report it as soon as I noticed the issue on one of the betas:
It looks like the feedback submitted is not available. Was this issue resolved?
It's in open state. I guess you have to be an apple employee to be able to see someone else's feedbacks.