Running for WidgetKit Error


Xcode 12 (betas 1-6 and the official one that was released yesterday)
macOS 11.0

I have been trying to add a new WidgetKit Extension Target to an existing app, but after it builds successfully, the active scheme continues to read "Running on iPhone 11 Pro" and never actually runs. My project, app, and widget are set for iOS 14.0 and the widget is set as a dependency in the Build Phases header of my app target. I can't seem to figure out how to get it to run on the simulators or a device. Could anyone advise?

Thanks in advance.
Answered by SagarThukral in 635913022
I was struggling with the same issue, after two days of research, what i found is
  1. WidgetKit Extension needs to be on different bundle identifier.

  2. You need to create different certificates specific for widget.

  3. Check if widget extension is present in your dependency inside main target build phases.

Still if you struggle you need to start with fresh app.
Accepted Answer
I was struggling with the same issue, after two days of research, what i found is
  1. WidgetKit Extension needs to be on different bundle identifier.

  2. You need to create different certificates specific for widget.

  3. Check if widget extension is present in your dependency inside main target build phases.

Still if you struggle you need to start with fresh app.
For anyone struggling with this just add a new iOS App target to your existing app, make the code route to that new app, delete the old app's target, and add the widget target to the new app.

I ran into this issue because I added my Widget extension as multiplatform, when I should have added 2 extensions: one for iOS, one for macOS.

Just edit the Build Settings and remove macOS or iOS from the "Base SDK" and "Supported Platforms", then create another extension for the other SDK/platform.

Running for WidgetKit Error