Xcode 12 source control navigator truncation?

Is anyone else seeing extreme truncation of the text in this navigator no matter how much space you give it? I've tried searching the forum for these terms:

Xcode + "source control"
Xcode + "source control" + navigator
Xcode + "source control" + navigator + truncation

Every single search returned 600 results. Am I using the search bar incorrectly? Does Apple have some proprietary search mechanism that's different from all the others?

I'd post a picture of what it looks like, but apparently that doesn't work either. I don't remember ever using these forums, because I'd heard the tales, but wow.
It's a blackbox, but I see the same, and I'm going to say yes, homebrewed in the belly of the mothership. I'm sure an intern is proud, none the less.

If that's an issue, try goggle, instead, where searching on: apple dev forums xcode source control results in 'About 638,000 results...'

About using the forums 'ever', and hearing tales, keep in mind that until the current version rolled out here just a few months ago, devForums were run on a package from JIVE Software. What you see now is entirely different, and I suspect hasn't been around long enough to be part of the 'tales' surrounding that long running hot mess, which had been in place in slightly different versions, for several years. 

In the end, I think it all comes down to how good your search fu is. I'm still honing mine with the new forums, so where I used Google in the past, I'm using it more now.

Don't get me started on the excuse for a search engine tied to the magnifying glass above right...
It is still there with Xcode 12 GM. I reported this bug to Apple Feedback on Aug 27th (Xcode 12 beta 6) but I think it was there even on earlier betas. I then discovered this appears to only occur on macOS 10.15.6 (or earlier?). On a Mac with macOS 11.0 Beta (20A5354i) installed, this does not seem to occur.
have you found the solution?
NOTE: This seems to be corrected using Xcode 12.2 beta (12B5018i) on Catalina 10.15.6
It is still there with Xcode 12 Public release.
Still there with Xcode 12.0.1.

I'm also on 10.15.6.
Same here. The branch name get truncated and it is pretty frustrating when searching among a whole bunch of branches.

It is so comforting to know we are not alone... I filed a feedback for this issue on 21 Sep and have been longing for the day to see the back of this issue.
macOS 10.15.7 Xcode 12.1 have same problem
Updating to Xcode Version 12.2 fixed this for me. I am also running BigSur, but not sure if that had any influence. Good luck with it.
Xcode 12 source control navigator truncation?