WidgetKit and Background App Refresh

The documentation for TimelineProvider suggests using Background App Refresh to keep widget data up to date. This approach would work well for my app. However in my testing so far, it doesn't seem like viewing a widget on the home screen has the same effect on background app refresh that actually opening the app would. That seems like a problem—if the information is right there on the home screen, the app is going to be opened far less often.

Has anyone else experimented with this, or does anyone know what the expected behavior is here?
hi there,
well does the information in the widget change without the user doing (adding, editing) anything. To put it in other words: Should the content in the widget change without the user opening the app? Because if the Information only changes when the user for example adds a new item to a list you can't really keep the widget "more" up to date.

In my App, the widget only needs to be updated when the content of a list changes...
WidgetKit and Background App Refresh