Wifi low level data harvesting

I am having trouble getting a straight answer.

I want to access iOS Wifi:
Signal strength dBm
Lan Speed
Neighbor APs
Devices Connected to WLAN
did I miss any?

Apparently this URL is NOT for accessing the above:
This is for NEHotspotHelper.
NEHotspotHelper is not for harvesting the low level data.

All Apple docs send folks to NEHotspotHelper and this is not the information for wifi harvesting.

Where exactly is the specific documentation on how to harvest this low level data for iOS devices, please?

Where exactly is the specific documentation on how to harvest this low
level data for iOS devices, please?

iOS has no supported mechanism for getting this sort of low-level Wi-Fi information.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"
There are MANY apps on the iOS store that grab this data.

Here is one: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/oka-speed-test-wifi-signal/id1476136371

This app works on all non jail broke devices and the ratings are very high.

What do they know you and I do not know?

Hi Frederick,

did you find any solution on how to obtain that information?

@Eskimo1 Why is there no supported mechanism? Any viable explanation for this? It's possible with "Core WLAN" on the mac.
and even with "private" low level frameworks such as "MobileWiFi.framework"

To retrieve the NEHotspotNetwork.signalStrength value (0.0-1.0) is just not enough and fine grained for my purpose.

I need to measure the raw signal strength - the dBm Value. I need a solution urgently.
Thank you.
Best regards

@Eskimo1 Why is there no supported mechanism?

I normally don’t comment on “why” questions but in this case I think the answer is very clear. This quote, from WWDC 2017 Session 702 Privacy and Your Apps, is key:

We will continue to remove entropy out of the app sandbox.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"
Wifi low level data harvesting