Issues with using XPC login item and Notification Center

Some context:

Because, for some reason, my helper app bundle has to have a horrible name of my team ID plus a reverse FQDN, in Notification Center, any notification my helper sends comes from this unwieldy and scary looking process name.

I have CFBundleDisplayName set to something more user friendly and oddly, that is what gets used in, say, Activity Monitor, among other places.

Is there any way to have my notifications come from a more user friendly process name? I would think it would use CFBundleDisplayName or use the containing app bundle's name, as it does for privacy settings.

I feel like if it's not possible then I'll have to add a non-XPC helper process that I'll use just to post user notifications which seems to make my whole effort to follow the security guidelines pointless.


in Notification Center, any notification my helper sends comes from
this unwieldy and scary looking process name.

This definitely sounds like a bug in Notification Center, it should be honouring CFBundleDisplayName, and I encourage you to file it as such.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Thanks. I've filed it as FB8600589.

It's unfortunate there's no workaround though. Since I need to support existing macOS versions, my only choice seems to be creating another process just for posting notifications and having it be non-XPC so I can name it something reasonable.