Xcode 11.6 Storyboard fails to show all contents

I am currently building an iOS application based on storyboard.

At some point, my storyboard stops working. When I open the storyboard with Interface Builder, it has the message at top saying:

An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited.

Also, it automatically turns on Canvas option of Bounds Rectangle even I repeatedly turns it off.

The most serious issue is that I cannot scroll the list of view controllers to the top. It stucks at some point even though there's more.

I have tried cleaning the project, quiting Xcode, restarting my Macbook and

Here's my Log.txt for the bug:

Failed to update scene 'aiS-Tf-QFZ, sJh-qB-mKz, O4N-O0-MPJ, and jsw-BD-Vbk' with IBLayoutConstraint (x332), IBUIViewAutolayoutGuide (x4), UIButton (x13), UICollectionView (x2), UICollectionViewFlowLayout (x2), UIImageView (x7), UILabel (x26), UINavigationItem (x2), UIProgressView (x1), UIScrollView (x1), UISwitch (x1), UITabBarItem (x1), UITableView (x2), UITableViewCell (x3), UITableViewCellContentView (x3), UITextField (x13), UITextView (x2), UIView (x22), and UIViewController (x4).

Exception name: NSInternalInconsistencyException
Exception reason: Failed to create work interval
Exception backtrace:
0. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23e3de5e _exceptionPreprocess
  1. libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff512539b2 objc

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff496ead69

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff496eb160 UIQOSExpectComplexCommit

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff4953c87f -[UITableView

  • sectionHeaderView:withFrame:forSection:floating:reuseViewIfPossible:willDisplay:]
  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff4953d5be -[UITableView sectionFooterViewWithFrame:forSection:floating:reuseViewIfPossible:willDisplay:]

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff49506253 -[UITableView

  • updateVisibleHeadersAndFootersNow:]
  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff49507672 -[UITableView updateVisibleCellsNow:]

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff495079bf -[UITableView

  • updateVisibleCellsNow:]
  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff4952724e -[UITableView layoutSubviews]

  • 10. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f79be77 -[UITableView(IBCocoaTouchToolIntegration) ibSwizzledlayoutSubviews]
    1. UIKitCore 0x00007fff4982d5f4 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:]

    2. QuartzCore 0x00007fff2b4e9260 -[CALayer layoutSublayers]

    3. QuartzCore 0x00007fff2b4ef3eb

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff49818674 -[UIView(Hierarchy) layoutBelowIfNeeded]

    • UIKitCore 0x00007fff48bdf1a0 -[UINavigationController

  • layoutViewController:]
  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff48bd824d -[UINavigationController layoutTopViewControllerLookForNested:]

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff48bce06c

  • 105-[UINavigationController repositionPaletteWithNavigationBarHidden:duration:shouldUpdateNavigationItems:]blockinvoke
  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff48bcdd6e -[UINavigationController repositionPaletteWithNavigationBarHidden:duration:shouldUpdateNavigationItems:]

  • UIKitCore 0x00007fff48bd749d -[UINavigationController

  • updateBarsForCurrentInterfaceOrientationAndForceBarLayout:]
  • 20. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f76be2b -[IBCTTRenderServerWindowRenderer prepareWindowsAndFlushCA]
    21. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f76c360 -[IBCTTRenderServerWindowRenderer renderToIOSurfaceID:]
    22. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f76f8a6 -[IBCocoaTouchTool renderToIOSurfaceID:simulatedMetricsContext:forRequest:]
    23. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f793053 -[IBRenderingProcessingRequest(IBCTTSupport) produceResultForRequest:simulatedMetricsContext:scaleFactor:tool:]
    24. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f79fab7 IBCTTRunProcessingRequestsPopulatingResults
    25. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f79ff77 _IBCTTProduceResultForSceneUpdateRequestblockinvoke2
    26. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f7a6a1d -[IBCTTUISimulatedMetricsContext applyStatusBarOverrideDuring:]
    27. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f7a697d -[IBCTTUISimulatedMetricsContext applyGlobalAndAdditionalSimulatedMetricsForTool:during:]
    28. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f79f5fe IBCTTProduceResultForSceneUpdateRequest
    29. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010f76f3b5 -[IBCocoaTouchTool updateScenesWithSceneUpdateRequests:]
    30. IBFoundation 0x000000010fa5ea5a _80-[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:]blockinvoke
    31. IBFoundation 0x000000010fa5e92b -[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:]
    32. IBFoundation 0x000000010fa5e336
    88-[IBMessageReceiveChannel runBlockingReceiveLoopNotifyingQueue:notifyingTarget:context:]blockinvoke
    33. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff5208e8cb
    34. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff5209b940 dispatchasyncandwaitinvoke
    35. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff5208e8cb
    36. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff5209acdb dispatchmainqueuecallback4CF
    37. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23da1869 CFRUNLOOP
    38. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23d9c3b9
    39. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23d9b8a4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
    40. Foundation 0x00007fff25957c71 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:]
    41. IBFoundation 0x000000010fa199cd -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingReceiveChannel:]
    42. IBFoundation 0x000000010fa19c29 -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingWriteDescriptor:readDescriptor:]
    43. IBFoundation 0x000000010fa1aa8e +[IBAbstractPlatformTool main]
    44. IBAgent-iOS 0x000000010f6ae95f main
    45. libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff520ce1fd start
    46. ??? 0x0000000000000005 ???
    Exception info:{
    errno = 22;

Any solutions to this yet? I am going through a similar issue
Hard to say without being able to inspect the storyboard in detail.

Some hint:
  • open the Storyboard as html

  • search for object that fails

  • see if you find anything suspicious (by comparing to a similar object that works).

Thank you for your response Claude31.

Some hint:
open the Storyboard as html
search for object that fails
see if you find anything suspicious (by comparing to a similar object that works).

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but how do I check for objects that fail once i open the Storyboard in a text editor? I did try going over it but it is massive, there is no way I could ever check it manually.
First, did you try an option-clean build folder ?

You have some hints : Failed to update scene 'aiS-Tf-QFZ, sJh-qB-mKz, O4N-O0-MPJ, and jsw-BD-Vbk'

You should search for the Objects ID (as aiS-Tf-QFZ) and see if you see anything wrong.

Maybe you could post the XML code for those objects ?
Xcode 11.6 Storyboard fails to show all contents