Reverting Xcode 12 autocomplete to Xcode 11 style

Is there a way to revert the Xcode autocomplete style to the Xcode 11 one?

In Xcode 12, when typing, for example:
Code Block swift

The autocomplete shows:
Code Block swift

Previously, it would show:
Code Block swift
() -> UIFont
(descriptor: UIFontDescriptor, size pointSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont
(name fontName: String, size fontSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont?

Its really inconvenient not being able to see the input type of all of them. It only shows you the full thing for the highlighted one below the table. Is there a way to show them again?


Their intent seems to be to speed up reading by having shorter signatures in the list and the full only for the selected as you mention.

Could not find any preference setting to change this.
You could file a bug for enhancement to have such a setting capability.