This code worked fine in Beta 4, now with Beta 5 the Buttons in Menu don't open the sheets anymore. Bug or has something changed I'm not aware of? Print statements in action are printed in the console. So the Button is functional. Sheet and NavigationLink (in an other view) don't work anymore. Any hints?
Code Block Swift var body: some View { List(menuObjects.menuItems, children: \.menuItems) { menuRow in SidebarItem(menuItem: menuRow) } .navigationTitle("Base Data".localized) .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) .toolbar { Menu { Button("Patient".localized, action: { self.showAddPatientView.toggle() }).sheet(isPresented: $showAddPatientView) { AddPatientView(isPresented: $showAddPatientView).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc) } Button("Contact".localized, action: { self.showAddContactView.toggle() }).sheet(isPresented: $showAddContactView) { AddContactView(isPresented: $showAddContactView).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc) } Button("Medicament".localized, action: { self.showAddMedicamentView.toggle() }).sheet(isPresented: $showAddMedicamentView) { AddMedicamentView(isPresented: $showAddMedicamentView).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc) } } label: { Label("+", systemImage: "plus") } } }