My MacOS application is successfully notarized but still getting the same warning as "app was blocked from use because is is not from an identified developer"

I have Notarized MacOS app from Xcode

I have even verified with with below commands

Code Block
spctl --assess --type open --context context:primary-signature --verbose Circuit\ 

Circuit accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID

Code Block
spctl -a -vvv Circuit\

Circuit accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID

Code Block
xcrun stapler validate Circuit\    

Processing: /Users/vishwanathkota/Desktop/Circuit ToolsInstallers/Circuit Tools 19th 09-33-58 Notarized/Just App/Circuit
The validate action worked!

Then after I have exported the app and double clicked it then the warning came up is "Circuit Tools can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store"

Can you please let me know why am I still getting the warning message?
Here Developer ID + Notarization qualifies as "identified developer", not "App Store" (as in the Security & Privacy preference pane). There are tools to simulate an App Store install, but I don't think they change the Gatekeeper designation.
Passing notarisation is no guarantee that you’ll pass Gatekeeper. However, I’m a little confused by the exact symptoms here. In this thread’s subject you have:

“app was blocked from use because is is not from an identified

but in your post you have:

“Circuit Tools can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the
App Store”

Which is it?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
@eskimo Sorry its the same i.e., Circuit Tools app.

So what else do I need to do in order pass the Gatekeeper?

I have developer ID and I even notarized it but still facing the same issue.

Actually, I am generating the pkg file with that notarized app using below command even then I am getting the same error.

productbuild --component <> /Applications <CircuitTools.pkg> --sign "Developer ID Installer:" 

can you please suggest what am I missing?

can you please suggest what am I missing?

Gatekeeper typically blocks your app from launching because it’s signed incorrectly. Unfortunately it’s not easy to work out exactly what it’s complaining about. In most cases there’s some sort of clue in the system log but it’s not easy to spot. I have some hints in this post.

If those don’t help then my recommendation is that you open a DTS tech support incident so that I can look at your issue in more depth.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
My MacOS application is successfully notarized but still getting the same warning as "app was blocked from use because is is not from an identified developer"