Widget intent list

Hi, i still have problem with beta 5, i don’t know why my intent list configuration is working on simulator but not on the device (i tap to choose but it is stuck on loading). Please can anyone help? Thanks !


Update :
I've tried to delete widget target and rebuild. I've noticed that if the list in my intent handler came from a static array it works.

with this array the lists pops up. (it is a sample array list)
es : var datawidget = ["one","two","three"]

when I use this :

let prcoredataFetch = NSFetchRequest<Project>(entityName: "Project")
let progetticoredata = try? persistentContainer.viewContext.fetch(prcoredataFetch)

The list pops up in the simulator, but in the device it is looping loading.
I really don't understand why, please help! 😔

Hi there, I’m curious if you manage to find a solution to this issue. I’m facing something similar and debugging has been pretty much hit and miss for the last two days.

Any insights might help.