Kerberos SSO gets "[SOAuthorization] no SPI authorization delegate"

I'm using the SSO sample code, but in ObjC.
My VirtualBox VM is running Catalina 10.15.4, Xcode 11.6.
I have a hacked together an AD server and SimpleMDM so that I can get Kerberos SSO to work -- the menu bar item for it shows up.

note -- MDM won't work until you give your VM a serial number and VirtualBox doesn't do that automatically as Parallels does

When I run my sample code I get to [authController performRequests]; and then get the "[SOAuthorization] no SPI authorization delegate" message in the logs and neither my authorization nor error delegate methods called.

I am unsure if I'm doing something wrong in my dozen lines of code or if there is something wrong in my setup.

Any suggestions?
Answered by joconnor in 629434022
A simple NSURLSession dataTask to the IIS machine with AD accounts worked fine. It was pretty cool. That means my setup was okay. I guess I was going about it entirely the wrong way?
Accepted Answer
A simple NSURLSession dataTask to the IIS machine with AD accounts worked fine. It was pretty cool. That means my setup was okay. I guess I was going about it entirely the wrong way?
So it appears I was going about it the wrong way. Going through NSURLSession does the job.
Kerberos SSO gets "[SOAuthorization] no SPI authorization delegate"