Respond to Storefront Changes no work for me

Code Block oc
- (BOOL)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)paymentQueue
shouldContinueTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction
inStorefront:(SKStorefront *)newStorefront;

Asks the delegate if the transaction should continue if the device's App Store storefront has changed during a transaction.


but in Xcode document:

Code Block language
@protocol SKPaymentQueueDelegate <NSObject>
// Sent when a user has initiated a purchase of a Promoted IAP from the App Store
- (BOOL)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)paymentQueue shouldContinueTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction inStorefront:(SKStorefront *)newStorefront API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0), macos(10.15), watchos(6.2));

Sent when a user has initiated a purchase of a Promoted IAP from the App Store

Way ? Way ? Way ?

only for a Promoted IAP ???
only for a Promoted IAP ???
only for a Promoted IAP ???

My Problem:

So hopefully you can parse, does this API work in App?

or for a Promoted IAP from the App Store ?

The comment in this header file is a mistake. Please refer to the Developer Documentation for paymentQueue:shouldContinueTransaction:inStorefront: for the most accurate documentation.

This is for any in-app purchase where the storefront changes mid-transaction, which may include promoted IAPs.

@Frameworks Engineer  

This delegate no calls in iOS13 :

Code Block
//  SKPaymentQueue.h
@protocol SKPaymentQueueDelegate <NSObject>
// Sent when a user has initiated a purchase of a Promoted IAP from the App Store
- (BOOL)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)paymentQueue shouldContinueTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction inStorefront:(SKStorefront *)newStorefront API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0), macos(10.15), watchos(6.2));

Code Block
iOS 13.0+

This method paymentQueue:shouldContinueTransaction:inStorefront: Availability iOS 13.0+, In fact, is not work for iOS13

So, the comment in this header file is a mistake ? or  Developer Documentation website is a mistake ?

The comment in the header file is a mistake, the developer documentation is correct. Note from the developer documentation:

StoreKit calls this delegate method if the storefront changes while processing a transaction.

This means that this method will only be called if the storefront changes in the middle of a transaction, not for every transaction. So, the method is working correctly if it is not being called when the storefront remains the same during your transaction. The documentation for SKStorefront provides more context on what this method is used for.

Respond to Storefront Changes no work for me