Custom App - question

I am not a developer, but only the guy that sends out apps and yearly are doing the re-signing of apps, which I am pretty tired of.

So Custom apps is the way to solve the yearly signings etc, so I asked out developer if the current app can be published as custom app as it would make the job much easier for me

But their reply was
 SAP Fiori Client for the IOS 14 is not yet available in cloud platform

So it is not possible to add it as custom app. I thought all apps could be custom apps, or is it because it is more work for them ?
All apps can be custom apps, but the developer will have to do a bit of work to submit it through the regular Apple Developer Program and get it listed as a custom app, rather than deploying with the Apple Developer Enterprise Program. Keep in mind that this would require a new app identifier and bundle ID, so if they were to publish a customer version for you it would not install over top of the old version as an update.
We as business has also a developer account. Could we also make the app as custom app as we recieve the ipa file from our external partner. As they say the App is belonging to use, so that they should publish an app that belongs to us, maybe does not make sense.
So my question if that if we get the Ipa file, could we on our own the make it as custom app and publish to our own business manager ?
Custom App - question