BigSur Beta 4 with no external network connection

I’ve upgraded to Big Sur Beta 4 and lost all access to the internet.

Looking at the settings it shows I am connected and I can receive IMessages however I cannot connect via a browser or ping an external website (or my router).

Running diagnostics just says I can’t get the internet which I know but being a newb I need some help.

I’m having the exact same issue since updating to Beta 4.
I just did a PRAM reset and it fixed it! I had restarted a few times today with no luck but the PRAM reset seemed to do the trick.

PRAM reset - Shut down your Mac, then turn it on and immediately press and hold these four keys together: Option, Command, P and R. Release the keys after about 20 seconds and the machine will start up)
Good suggestion, but didn't work....still experiencing the same issue. Will have to revert. Seems like a pretty major bug that was missed before deploying the build.
I am experiencing the same bug.
The PRAM reset worked. I now have access to the internet again. Thanks @rebelrouser88
Same bug appears to be in Beta 5. PRAM does not fix for me. Anyone successful in getting this fixed?
I have exactly the same problem when upgrading to Big Sur 11.1. All the external connection failed to connect out site (wifi, bluetooth or usb tethering). In the laptop still get IP address but I can not ping the Gateway, very strange.

Anyone has this problem and idea how to fix it?

BigSur Beta 4 with no external network connection