Token Authentication tutorial for Push Notifications in iOS 10?

I'm very interested in the new way of doing Push Notifications in iOS 10 using "Token Authentication" rather than the client certificates (P12).

I'm aware of links such as:


But I was curious if anyone was aware of any soup-to-nuts tutorials out there showing how to do the new "Token Authentication" way of life in iOS 10 (particularly on the server-side since it doesn't appear that the way of doing stuff on the client hasn't changed)?



I'd love to see this too!

I have an initial connection working with, however the topic always returns an error, even though it's my bundle identifier.

The documentation says

If you are using a provider token instead of a certificate, you must specify a value for this request header. The topic you provide should be provisioned for the your team named in your developer account.

I'm assuming this means any of the app ids under the development team?

Token Authentication tutorial for Push Notifications in iOS 10?