Dynamic DNS registers wrong IP from VPN

We are observing a strange case when our VPN client activates on macOS. It configures utun interface through DynamicStore API with fixed non-routable local IP Problem is that this IP is getting registered with DNS server for this host name together with another, real local IP. So DNS query returns two addresses - one is good and another one is bad. This obviously creates a lot of problems. We did traffic capturing with tcpdump and it shows that nsupdate tool is indeed registering both IPs. This seems to be part of OpenDIrectory/Active Directory integration. Is there way to prevent this from happening? VPNs with local only non-routable IPs are very common and I don't understand logic why such IP would be picked for Dynamic DNS update.
Answered by hardloafz in 643590022
For those who run into this issue - Apple standard command line tool
Code Block

and option -restrictDDNS allow to control interfaces used for DDNS.
No other alternatives, as far as I could find.
Accepted Answer
For those who run into this issue - Apple standard command line tool
Code Block

and option -restrictDDNS allow to control interfaces used for DDNS.
No other alternatives, as far as I could find.
Dynamic DNS registers wrong IP from VPN