Unable to launch the app after fresh install in simulator

When trying to delete and install the app, unable to launch the app in from xcode 11.4.1 and later versions. This scenario is working fine till xcode 10.2.1. Below are the error details:

The request to open "org.*******.enterprise.debug" failed.
Domain: FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain
Code: 1
Failure Reason: The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: NotFound ("Application is unknown to FrontBoard").
User Info: {
  BSErrorCodeDescription = RequestDenied;
  FBSOpenApplicationRequestID = 0x8660;

The operation couldn’t be completed. Application is unknown to FrontBoard.
Domain: FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain
Code: 4
Failure Reason: Application is unknown to FrontBoard.
User Info: {
  BSErrorCodeDescription = NotFound;

System Information:
macOS Version 10.15.4 (Build 19E287)
Xcode 11.4.1 (16137)

Does anyone know how this might be resolved?
Got the exact same problem!
I have been getting this same error with my app, but only when I try to run my unit tests.
Same here. Anyone found a solution ?
Check Mach-O Type of your app.
Usually this error appears when you try to run Mach-Object with inappropriate type like Dynamic Library/Bundle/Static Library/Relocatable Object File. To solve the issue select Project -> Build Settings. Search Mach-O Type, change type to Executable.

We fixed these issues by adding most of the Xcode executables into the exceptions list of Developer Tools in Security & Privacy system preferences.

We usually see this error when launching tests, where the test bundle has a Mach-O type of "Bundle" as it should.

Unable to launch the app after fresh install in simulator