Providing HostTime when setting AUParameter values from UI

I'm wondering if it's ok to pass 0 for hostTime in this API?

Code Block ObjC
- (void)setValue:(AUValue)value originator:(AUParameterObserverToken __nullable)originator atHostTime:(uint64_t)hostTime eventType:(AUParameterAutomationEventType)eventType API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12), ios(10.0), watchos(3.0), tvos(10.0));

Considering the following method doesn't take hostTime as an argument, I'm assuming either AUParameter is aware of hostTime (which I doubt) or it's passing some default value like 0 or -1.

Code Block ObjC
- (AUParameterObserverToken)tokenByAddingParameterObserver:(AUParameterObserver)observer;

Providing HostTime when setting AUParameter values from UI