Feedback Assistant - Lack of Responses

Lately, whenever I submit a bug report via Feedback Assistant, I never receive any responses or requests for additional information from Apple. It feels like my bug reports are completely ignored, which discourages me from writing additional bug reports. Is anyone else having the same experience?

As an example, I submitted several bug reports with regards to iOS 14 beta over a month ago, and I have yet to hear back from Apple.
same here, reported a bug happening since iOS 14 for GameKit like 1 month ago... completely ignored.
My experience has been exactly the same. A big push from Apple to use it but reports do not get any kind of acknowledgement or response.
Same :-(

Makes it very difficult to feel supported when there is zero acknowledgement. Also why even provide feedback?

I really don't know the function of the Feedback Assistant. You get different messages from Apple wich you can't remove at all but no reaction on your question. It's more "No Feedback Assistant". In my case I've contacted Apple's developers section for a technical (ARKit) question. The recommended to use the Feedback Assistance. I am waiting and waiting......

I'm sorry you all have had this experience. Although you may not receive a response, your reports are sent to the proper team and read by a human. Frequently, feedback reports will be marked as a duplicate of another report, and then when the original issue is closed, the duplicate issues are left open, even though the issue is fixed. It's also Apple's policy not to comment on future OS releases, so in general we don't say when a bug fix will be released or the status of the bug. Feedback reports are important to us, and they do help us prioritize what features to add to our releases. I pass your feedback about Feedback Assistant to WWDR. If you'd like, you can respond to me with some of your feedback IDs and I can make sure that they've been properly screened.

Strange thing that there is still no reaction from Apple in Feedback Assistance. Will my question seriously handled by Apple?

So am i, so what's the use of feedback assistants?

Same here, I get no response. Very frustrating…

PWA: topbar loses its color after PDF download in iOS 15.4.1 and above

Created an demo app to show the problem

Same here...

Hey could be worse... I got a response telling me to go to feedback assistant and review the thing I posted... Ok, well, it has been so long since I put in the feedback that I couldn't figure out what machine even had Feedback Assistant on, and ended up signing in here, assuming this would tie in to the same thing, but no, this is a different account and I had to create a new account here... For the same Apple ID, so wow, yeah, not exactly thinking are they?

Hey there! Can you please check my feedback on a very irritating bug found by me in PHOTOS (Recents) section? Here is a feedback assistant ID: FB11523484

Can you check FB12749735?

Just being honest: I'm pretty much entirely convinced that absolutely nobody within any engineering ranks at Apple is actually engaging with any bug / feedback submissions from the feedback app.

I find myself feverishly documenting major bugs found in beta and development iOS builds, thinking I'm doing the greater iOS community some good, but in reality, I look back at reports I've submitted YEARS ago and they're all still OPEN (besides the ones I myself have closed on their behalf). It makes you wonder if Apple is getting the best of us and how appreciative they really are with my valuable time. I'm basically QA'ing their work for free.

Is Feedback Assistant an appropriate step towards resolving what I believe (or hope?) to be an OS-related driver bug? I've used Feedback Assistant several times in the past, and also back when it was called Bug Reporter for similar issues. I'm not sure if Feedback Assistant is the best path to a potential resolution for my issue or not.

I've got an issue where a USB Headset (with mic) is no longer working with certain USB-C ports on an M2 Max MacBook Pro, despite previously working on those ports. I was able to connect the USB headset to my 3rd, and final, USB port and it works flawlessly, but I suspect it'll also stop working at some point as it did with the other ports. The headset also doesn't work on my M2 iPad Pro (same exact symptoms as macOS), but does work on my iPhone 15 Pro, and does work on a 2016 MacBook Pro. Symptoms are: plugging it in gives the headset power and it's fully detected in System Profiler (as both a USB device and audio output/input); however, opening the Sounds preference pane or trying to record audio with QuickTime Player results in the headset going through a disconnect/reconnect endless loop and never actually connecting. Whole system locks up for a split moment while this happens. QuickTime Player also throws an error with the headset connected.

I wasn't sure of the best approach to getting this looked at since I figured it was such a bizarre problem that AppleCare probably wouldn't have any resources on it, so I figured Feedback Assistant would provide the best avenue to investigate, particularly since it captures a sysdiagnose while the issue is occurring. Is that still the best path, or should I also be pursuing another channel?

@Graphics and Games Engineer, can you check this one please ?

Feedback Assistant - Lack of Responses