Local network communications in iOS14


Like a lot of developers here, I tested my app on iOS14 and noticed the new local network privacy system alert when my app just launched.
We make a companion app for smart speakers and we use our own protocols to communicate with those, making the alert appear automatically.
Since those protocols are low level, is there a simple to use API that allow to control when we want to make appear this alert and know explicitly if the user denies the access ?



I had the same interrogation about this alert since alike alerts (Bluetooth permission, CoreLocation, ...) do have the API you are describing.
Hope there will be one for local network privacy permission too.
Same question here, @Apple can you please give us a detailed answer?
Could all of you submit a feature request using Apple's feedback assistant if you haven't already with use-cases for this :) Lots of us have already, but the more the merrier!
It is mind-boggling that there isn't a simple API, even a simple boolean or an enum value on UIApplication like UIApplication.localNetworkAccessAuthorizationStatus where we could simply check this. We have various flows where we want to delay and/or control the apparition of the system alert due to internal sockets being opened and we have to finally rely on a Network browser object to somewhat control it...