JavaNativeFoundation framework missing arm64 part


I was trying to build openjdk (zero vm) for arm mac using xcode12 and cross-compiling on x86_64 host.

I found out a serious blocker, the JNF framework is x86_64 only, it's located here

However in xcode12 I can find a version of JNF framework which is built for x86_64 and arm64 and it's library, not just tbd.


The problem is: I probably can't share openjdk for arm64 mac if it includes JNF.framework from apple's build of openjdk ( and without it java won't work)

Is there any hope to get system wide JNF.framework for arm64 any time soon ?

have you seen the repo?
Apple has open sourced JNF as part of that just recently.

The repo also contains a few fixes and hacks needed to get the Zero JVM running on arm64.
Did you get anywhere with this? I've tried to build and get an macosx-aarch64-zero-release directory but there are no libs or executables. I had to grab openjdk 14 from brew to use as a boot jdk.
Figured out my problem. I needed to use openjdk 13 to use as a boot jdk. However, there's a bug in src/java.base/macosx/native/libjli/javamdmacosx.m. On arm64, libjli.dylib looks for the directory "zero" but what's built is actually "server".

have you seen the repo?
Apple has open sourced JNF as part of that just recently.

They just built it with the openjdk project. That's OK, I guess, but it would be nice to have it bundled with XCode for ARM64 so developers can use it, or at least provide it as a standalone project to fetch at build time, since it's a one-liner:

JavaNativeFoundation framework missing arm64 part