Why getting restricted for ATTrackingManager authorization status

I have a test device which runs iOS 14 and got into this restricted mode:
And the Allow Apps To Request To Track setting is disabled and cannot be changed, too.
Why is a device in restricted mode and how to get out of it?
It seems that currently the authorisation status is frozen to restricted on real devices. In the simulator it works
In the simulator, the value of 'ATTrackingManager.trackingAuthorizationStatus' is also viewed as 'ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusDenied' when the status is 'Allow Apps Request to Track to Track' to Off.

What should I do to check the ATTrackingManagerAuthoratusRestricted status?

xCode and iOS were all tested on data 5.
@darkes darkes
i have the same problem and question with you.
do you have understood the reason of restricted mode?
The same happening with my test device tested with iPhone8 running ios 14.5 beta.
  • My application asked ATT consent

  • I allowed tracking

  • Status changed to ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusAuthorized

But after some time status automatically changed to ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusRestricted

Anybody have any clue, are few devices restricted from Apple side for tracking?

I have upgrade three iPhone device to 14.5 beta system,but the "Allow App tracking" switch in Setting is disable in 14.5 beta, and alway getting ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusRestricted status with requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler:
Getting ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusDenied status and no ATT popup on screen when I turned off 'Allow Apps Request to Track to Track' from Settings ->Privacy ->Tracking.

How I can get ATTrackingManagerAuthoratusRestricted status?
Why getting restricted for ATTrackingManager authorization status