Getting Watch OS Version

How to get Watch OS Version?

Or is it possible?

As follows.

[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]
Answered by RLKingSoftware in 14640022

I am not aware of any such API in the new WatchKit 2. One does not exist in WatchKit 1.

Accepted Answer

I am not aware of any such API in the new WatchKit 2. One does not exist in WatchKit 1.

Correct — there is no API for this. You can file an enhacement request at


We are developing an iOS app (Objective-C) and thinking of developing an iWatch extension. Before that, we want to know if our userbase is really using iWatches.

We'd need to know if a given user has an iWatch paired to the iOS device, and also the WatchOS version.

For iOS > 7, we have WCSession class, so we can know if there is a paired device. But, how can we know WatchOS version running?




Getting Watch OS Version