Have been using WKWebView:
"loadFileURL:(NSURL *)URL
allowingReadAccessToURL:(NSURL *)readAccessURL"
to load local html file which loads some text and image files.
With the directory that html and images files reside in assigned to "allowingReadAccessToURL", it works fine in iOS 13.X.
But this broke in iOS 14 Beta, got "domain = NSURLErrorDomain, code = -1100" which is "NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist = -1100", so guess NOT being able to access to that local file even though I specify the directory to "allowingReadAccessToURL".
Anyone has the same issue in iOS 14 beta?
"loadFileURL:(NSURL *)URL
allowingReadAccessToURL:(NSURL *)readAccessURL"
to load local html file which loads some text and image files.
With the directory that html and images files reside in assigned to "allowingReadAccessToURL", it works fine in iOS 13.X.
But this broke in iOS 14 Beta, got "domain = NSURLErrorDomain, code = -1100" which is "NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist = -1100", so guess NOT being able to access to that local file even though I specify the directory to "allowingReadAccessToURL".
Anyone has the same issue in iOS 14 beta?