Big Sur Beta 2 Locked MacBook Pro

Beta 2 came out yesterday and I decided to try and install it on my 16" MBP.

When I chose to reboot after downloading and starting the installation, it booted me into the Recovery Assistant with the Activation Lock screen.

It asks for my AppleID and password, no problem.

BUT, it then tells me "This Mac is linked to a different Apple ID"!

I have 3 possible Apple ID's that this Mac could be linked to, I tried ALL 3 and ALL 3 give me that same message.

I called tech support this morning and was instructed to go into iCloud, find my, and "remove from account" this Mac.

I did so for all 3 of my accounts, but still get the same message after rebooting the system.

I even went to my "main" account, remotely locked the Mac (which worked) - and then unlocked it - BUT I STILL get that same message!

I'd rather not have to go through the "alternative" process that tech support offered which is to submit my information to them, wait for 4 or 5 days, and have them manually fix whatever is broken in their system. This also involves WIPING the system - which I'd really rather not do.

Has anyone else come across this issue?
Did you get it fixed?
If so, how?

Help! I just wanna run Big Sur!

I got the same issue. The only thing you can fix this is to ask apple to unlock your Mac and it can be done remotely. My case was still unsolved because i didnt have my original sale receipt so apple just rejected my unlock request. I suspect this is due to Beta version bugs and hoping it will be solved in the next updates of Big Sur
Sorry to give you bad news but I had that same issue with a refurbished macbook pro 2019 which was bought at 
I contacted apple support, form submitted with invoice/receipt proof of purchase, however, it was denied by apple 2 times. Then I got contacted by an Apple Retail Executive Relations person on response of an email I sent to Tim. What helped me was the fact I was inside the 14 days return policy which I did and then apple replace it for a brand new macbook pro 2020.
Big Sur Beta 2 Locked MacBook Pro