I am getting the below messages in my app.
I am getting multiple error messages:
I am also getting the below error:
I suspect these are being produced from the AVPlayer VideoView.
How do I resolve this?
I am getting multiple error messages:
Code Block fsbxpc_obtainSandboxRegistrationForPath signalled err=-17507 (kFigSandboxError_ExtensionDenied) (Could not obtain sandbox extension) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/EmbeddedCoreMediaFramework/EmbeddedCoreMedia-2729.5.1.3/Prototypes/Player/ClientServer/FigSandboxSupport.c:454
I am also getting the below error:
Code Block <CATransformLayer: 0x2836f6ea0> - changing property masksToBounds in transform-only layer, will have no effect
I suspect these are being produced from the AVPlayer VideoView.
How do I resolve this?