Sub services accessed on local network.

If an App accesses XYZ.tcp services on local network, does it need to specify sub services like 123.XYZ.tcp or 234.XYZ.tcp, etc in the bonjour services list?

Also please confirm the same for SDKs. If a SDK accesses different sub-services on local network depending upon the Host app that integrate it (similar to above scenario), does it need ti specify all sub services through Entitlements on Developer portal? or is it ok to specify just XYZ.tcp?
Bonjour services generally follow the form: _type._tcp or _type._udp. A specific instance may look like MyPhone._type._tcp.local. In that case, MyPhone is the name of the service instance, not the type. Only the type needs to be declared. If your type, however, is using more than two labels, you will need to list out every specific type you use.

All use of bonjour in your app, whether directly or through a framework, needs to be declared in the Info.plist. Only system services that do not run in your app, like AirPrint, are exceptions.
Sub services accessed on local network.