Simulator Failing with Unexpected Error All the Time

Basically, I ran the simulator a bunch of times, and it gives me the following message:

Code Block
The request to open "com.ecoleSourpHagop.everythingCOVID" failed.
Domain: FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain
Code: 5
Failure Reason: Unexpected error type.
User Info: {
  BSErrorCodeDescription = InvalidResponse;
The operation couldn’t be completed. (BSServiceConnectionErrorDomain error 3.)
Domain: BSServiceConnectionErrorDomain
Code: 3
User Info: {
  BSErrorCodeDescription = OperationFailed;
System Information
macOS Version 10.15.4 (Build 19E287)
Xcode 11.4.1 (16137)

How could I fix this?
Please reproduce this issue and then run 'sudo sysdiagnose -q' and 'xcrun simctl diagnose' (while the device is still booted). Attach the resulting tarballs to a new feedback report and reply to this thread with the FB number, please.
What is a tarball, and how do I submit a feedback report?
Hola amigo llegaste a solucionar este problema .

Simulator Failing with Unexpected Error All the Time