Unable to upload new macOS AppKit binary to make a universal purchase with an existing iOS app

So I'm trying upload a macOS just plain old AppKit (not catalyst) binary to app store connect I get the following error:

ERROR ITMS-90283: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle .... [.....pkg/Payload/AppName.app] is invalid. [Invalid 'com.apple.application-identifier' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal."

I have tried automatically signing binary, i have tried manually signing the binary with a newly created provisioning profile, but I get the same error. Interestingly enough the provisioning profile becomes invalid on developer portal a few minutes after I try manual signing.

Any ideas what could be causing this.

I'm using the same bundle id from the existing iOS I thought that was the key.

Any suggestions
Thank you for your question. We'll need some additional information to diagnose this, which would be easiest to get through a feedback assistant report. If you are willing, please file a new report and include logging and a PKG. You can generate the logging we'll need by launching Xcode like so in Terminal:

xcode-select -p/../MacOS/Xcode

Then reproduce the issue and find a line in Xcode’s Terminal output that refers to an xcdistributionlogs bundle. Attach that bundle to the report you're filing. If you could export your archive from Xcode for the Mac App Store and then attach the resulting PKG to your report that would also be helpful.
I submitted a Technical Support Incident on 7/1/2020 with screenshots and everything including the pkg file that that the export archive button created but I have not heard anything from that. Also, I tried what you suggested to launch xcode from Terminal but it did not work. Below is what I tried:

When I execute "xcode-select -p/../MacOS/Xcode" in the terminal I get:

xcode-select: error: invalid argument '-p/../MacOS/Xcode'
Usage: xcode-select [options]

Print or change the path to the active developer directory. This directory
controls which tools are used for the Xcode command line tools (for example, 
xcodebuild) as well as the BSD development commands (such as cc and make).

 -h, --help         print this help message and exit
 -p, --print-path      print the path of the active developer directory
 -s <path>, --switch <path> set the path for the active developer directory
 --install          open a dialog for installation of the command line developer tools
 -v, --version        print the xcode-select version
 -r, --reset         reset to the default command line tools path

When I execute "xcode-select -p" in the terminal I get:

When I execute "/Applications/Xcode11.5.app" in the terminal I get:
zsh: permission denied: /Applications/Xcode11.5.app

Did I miss something?
Unable to upload new macOS AppKit binary to make a universal purchase with an existing iOS app