Cocoapods on DTK

I'm having trouble installing the pods in the Podfile for my project.

cocoapods installs without any issues on the system ruby but running pod install crashes out badly.

Did anybody succeed in getting cocoapods to run on the DTK?

Accepted Reply

Open terminal in Rosetta (cmd+I on Terminal icon - there's a checkbox). Then it should work fine.


Open terminal in Rosetta (cmd+I on Terminal icon - there's a checkbox). Then it should work fine.
Yep - same here. The Rosetta tick box fixed it.
For those that still struggle and question whether the above is the truth, the following execution of installing ruby fixed my ability to install cocoa pods:
Rosetta tick box did not work for me. I had to use the link provided by delasign.
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi


arch -x86
_64 pod install

UPD. One underline between x86 and 64. This forum need to enter two, but show one only.