How to add animation for changing background in SceneKit(ARSCNView)

I try to change background in ARSCNView. It works with below code.

Code Block
let background = MDLTexture(named: "Background/photo_studio_01.jpg", bundle: nil) // or UIImage.
scene.background.contents = background

I want to add animation such as fade in and fade out when changing the background.
I did with CAAnimation but it is not working. I read document of contents is animatable.

Give me some advice about animate contents.


One approach that you could take is to set the background of your SCNScene to an SKScene.

In this SKScene, you would have two SKSpriteNodes, which each hold the SKTexture that corresponds to your two images. Then, to fade them in/out, you can use SKAction.fadeIn or fadeOut with a duration.
How to add animation for changing background in SceneKit(ARSCNView)