Sidebar selection color in Mac Catalyst

How can I use the same translucent selection style in the sidebar that apps like Finder, Music, and Podcasts use? By default Mac Catalyst apps seem to use the tint color for the selection, which looks out of place with the system apps.

I use UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration by the way.

You’ll need to use .sidebar as the appearance type for your layout list configuration. Check out the sample app - there’s a list there that you can swap between all appearance styles.
I already use .sidebar. What I want to achieve is this https://img like in Finder vs. https://img in my Catalyst app.
Ah I understand now! I’m still learning all this too, but I recall there being some “background” properties in the new cell configuration classes explained in: out Modern cell configuration from #wwdc20
Were you able to find a solution to this problem? I'm having the same problem
Sidebar selection color in Mac Catalyst