Xcode -12 simulator displaying just black screen

Hi, I get a black screen when I launch my app in Xcode 12 iphone simulator. This only happens in an exisisting app I started with Xcode 11, but doesn't happen with a new project.
As was suggested in a similar thread from last year, I tired running:
(defaults write com.apple.CoreSimulator.IndigoFramebufferServices FramebufferRendererHint 1)

And also with hint 2 and 3 but nothing changes. I reset the simulator, cleaned the build re-downloaded Xcode 12, restarted the computer and even deleted the entire library/developer folder but nothing changed. I read the release notes and this doesn't appear as a known issue. I'm running a 2017 Macbook-pro 10.15.
Answered by KNLKN in 616920022
Turns out the problem was with my scene delegate. I forgot I deleted it to test our the new @main entry point.
Accepted Answer
Turns out the problem was with my scene delegate. I forgot I deleted it to test our the new @main entry point.
Xcode -12 simulator displaying just black screen