Reacting to a stroke while it is being drawn

The new PencilKit APIs allow to get stroke data from the user's drawing (PKStroke and PKStrokePoint). As far as I can tell though, the first time we can react to a new stroke is from within the canvasViewDrawingDidChange(_:) method of the PKCanvasViewDelegate. This method will get called *after* the stroke is finished.

Is there a way to react to the stroke *while* it is being drawn by the user? That would allow for a seamless reaction to the user's strokes.
Answered by in 616078022
There is currently no support for getting calls or notifications while strokes are being drawn.

If you'd like to see API for these purposes, please file an enhancement request via the Feedback Assistant.
Accepted Answer
There is currently no support for getting calls or notifications while strokes are being drawn.

If you'd like to see API for these purposes, please file an enhancement request via the Feedback Assistant.
Reacting to a stroke while it is being drawn