Hiding in-app promotions in appstore does not work

Hello devs, I am trying to hide in-app promotions which was successfully bought with calling function

[[SKProductStorePromotionController defaultController] updateStorePromotionVisibility:SKProductStorePromotionVisibilityHide forProduct:skproduct completionHandler:^(NSError * Nullable error)
NSLog(@"Error: can't hide promotion with error code: %ld, error description: %@ for product Id: %@ :", (long)error.code, error.description, productId);
NSLog(@"Product %@ was successfully hidden", productId);

After that I check the result with calling

[[SKProductStorePromotionController defaultController] fetchStorePromotionVisibilityForProduct:product.skproduct completionHandler:^(SKProductStorePromotionVisibility storePromotionVisibility, NSError *
Nullable error)

The result is as I expected, promo is hidden by result of the function, but in AppStore it is not hidden but marked as purchased.

Can some body explain me what i am doing wrong?