How to test SkAdNetwork postbacks in a timely manner?


We've recently registered our signing keys as an ad network.

We want to verify our implementation of SkAdNetwork, and start receiving postbacks. However, for development purposes, waiting 24 hours for each postback experiment is inefficient and we'd love to progress in shorter cycles.

What's the proposed way to test SkAdNetwork's implementation?
Following-up on our original question, we were able to receive SKAdNetwork postbacks and wrote a blog post about our test setup.

Check it out at

Hope it can help anyone!
Have you received postback now?
I tested 2 installations and have not received Postback yet.


I am also interested by this question. Can we have more detail on how to test the postback?
Same here, the lack of tools or proper documentation from Apple is pretty frustrating.
Accepted Answer
Following-up on our original question, we were able to receive SKAdNetwork postbacks and wrote a blog post about our test setup.

Check it out at

Hope it can help anyone!
How to test SkAdNetwork postbacks in a timely manner?